Monday, April 02, 2007

Short Summer...

It lasted long enough for the sun to melt the snowpack to about half it's winter-long depth, the remainder has become a thick, tough, crusty field which will take the sun that much more effort to disintegrate.

I woke this morning to a skiff of new snow, a northwest wind, and a -20 thermometer reading. Oh, April! Where are you?

Dreaming of April
Waiting for her to arrive
In all her finery...

The five day forecast called for sub-zero temperatures till Friday, by which time it is usually out of its reckoning anyway.

I've lived up here all my life, you would think that this wouldn't bother me by now. Maybe I'm just getting old and cranky.


Anonymous said...

This weather doesn't really get to me until I see frost on my baseboards.

Anonymous said...

April is in Vancouver ;), although the folks here say it's still to cold to be spring. But there is no snow, and there are so many flowers in bloom!!

Jamie Soles said...

Hi, Hester! Good to see you! Say hello to April for me...