Saturday, July 07, 2007

What next?

I am pretty sure I will be recording Weight Of Glory when I go down to the studio in August.

I counted up, and I have 50 songs to record from the Psalms, and no good sense yet of what order in which to record them. That is at least 3 albums worth of Psalm material, which would be difficult indeed to record all at once. Most of them, I think, are fairly decent songs, some of them really good, and some of them useful for congregations, but...

These Weight Of Glory songs are ones that for one reason or another did not wind up on my kids CDs; either they were too grown-up, or they didn't quite fit thematically, or they were not written as kids songs. They have been collecting on the periphery of my work for years, and if they keep collecting I'm going to have another Psalm problem on my hands... :-) (I suppose I already do. I have a bunch of old worship songs that were pretty good too.) I just played again thru the list of songs for WOG, and they are almost all really good songs. I think it would be a great album.

I have been torn of late between doing what I know is useful (Psalm albums) and what is also useful (WOG) but in ways not quite so evident as the Psalms.

But when I played them again I said 'This has got to get done soon!" and August is soon. So, Weight Of Glory it is.

